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Cute and Creepy Oracle from Art By Misha (signed)

New from our dear friend Misha, a renowned visual artist working with paints and tattoo inks alike. Check her out on Instagram at @thecountessofcoverups. This art deck won't be here for long, so get yours now!

From Misha:

Hi, it’s Misha, you may know me from my Cute and Creepy Tarot Deck in 2018 and I'm excited to tell you that I am launching my Cute and Creepy Oracle Deck! This Oracle deck is a companion to my Cute and Creepy Tarot deck and both decks can be used either separately or together.

Creating an Oracle deck was really different than creating a Tarot deck because Tarot has very clear meanings for each card, but Oracle decks can vary wildly from each other, from the types of cards and even  the amount of cards in the deck.  So in creating this deck, I let my intuition guide me on which cards needed to be included.

This Oracle Deck is deeply personal to me. I started this oracle deck at the beginning of the 'Stay Home' orders during the Covid-19 pandemic and was heavily influenced by the events of 2020 in my personal life, as well as in the world. I know that if I had created it at any other time it would have been a different deck. 

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